Physics Department OSD Liaison |
Dawn Love |
Office: | Mayer Hall Addition 2661 |
Email: | |
Phone: | (858) 822-1468 |
Office for Students with Disabilities |
OSD Accommodations
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that universities provide reasonable and effective accommodations to students with documented disabilities. The instructor is responsible for ensuring that these accommodations are fulfilled. In so doing the instructor is not required to compromise the integrity of their courses.
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD), a department within the division of the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs (EVCAA), is responsible for determining and facilitating UCSD accommodations for students with disabilities.
The OSD is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and supportive community while promoting equitable access and opportunities for students with disabilities. In alignment with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and through close collaboration with students, faculty, and staff, they coordinate tailored accommodations to meet each student’s unique needs. The OSD is committed to advocating for accessibility, empowering students to self-advocate, and ensuring that students have equal opportunities to thrive in all aspects of campus life.
The OSD works with undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students with documented disabilities, reviewing documentation and, through an interactive process with the student, determining reasonable accommodations. Temporary and permanent disabilities can occur in the following areas: psychological, psychiatric, learning, attention, chronic health, physical, vision, hearing, acquired brain injuries, and autism, and may occur at any time during a student’s college career. OSD encourages you to reach out to them as soon as you become aware of a condition that is disabling so they can work with you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do with my AFA Letter?
Present your Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter to the course instructor and CC the Physics Department OSD Liaison at the beginning of the quarter, or as soon as the AFA letter is issued. While the AFA letter is typically sent automatically by the OSD office, it is important that you also email the letter to both the course instructor and the Physics Department OSD Liaison. Additionally, even though the AFA letter is delivered electronically, you are still responsible for contacting the instructor and CCing the Department Liason to discuss and arrange the necessary accommodations (see next section).
How do I request accommodations in a physics class based on a temporary or permanent disability?
Accommodations are specifically for students with documented disabilities as recognized under the Americans w/ Disabilities Act (ADA) and do not automatically apply to other students. To request accommodations, please complete the required steps through the Office for Students with Disabilities.
The Physics Department OSD Liason will work with students who have obtained an Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter with the OSD, however, please note that only the instructor can grant requested accommodations.
1. Send Your AFA Letter
As soon as your Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter is issued by the OSD, email it to both your course instructor and the Physics Department OSD Liaison. Be sure to CC the Department Liaison. Even though the OSD office typically sends the AFA letter automatically, it’s important that you ensure the instructor and liaison are aware of your accommodations at the start of the quarter or as soon as possible.
Instructor contact information can be found in the Department Directory.
2. Request Specific Accommodations from Your Instructor
Email your instructor and clearly outline the specific accommodations you need for the course (e.g., extended test time, note-taking support, alternative formats for materials). You are responsible for making sure both the instructor and the Department Liaison are aware of the specific accommodations you are requesting; you are not required to seek all accommodations listed on your AFA letter. Be specific about any arrangements or adjustments required for each accommodation.
All acccommodations for physics labs and classrooms are arranged directly by the instructor. First, be sure you have sent your AFA letter (see above). You are encouraged to bring these needs to the attention of the course instructor at the start of the quarter, or earlier if possible.
Instructor contact information can be found in the Department Directory.
3. Follow Up and Confirm
Follow up with your instructor after a few days via email to ensure your accommodations have been arranged. If any issues related to accommodations arise throughout the term, promptly email the instructor to discuss any requested adjustments. Consult with OSD for guidance.
How do I arrange for quiz/exam accommodations?
Students with special quiz/exam accommodations will schedule the accommodated exams directly through the Triton Testing Center (TTC).
Please note the TTC requires scheduling at least 3 days in advance. However, space at the TTC is limited. As soon as you know the schedule of quizzes and exams for your physics course, submit all associated TTC requests. Requests can be subsequently revised, as needed, throughout the term (eg. for conditions that flare requiring rescheduling of a particular exam).
It is your responsibility to schedule OSD-related exams at the TTC in a timely manner; last-minute accommodations are not available.
The TTC is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am until 8:00pm, on select Saturdays (times vary), and extends its closing time to 10:00pm during Finals Week. The TTC is closed on all university holidays. All tests must be completed by closing time.
Please check the TTC website for further instructions on how to log into RegisterBlast via SSO and how to schedule a test.
Triton Testing Center (TTC)
Location: Pepper Canyon Hall room 364, (co-located with the Academic Integrity Office. Pepper Canyon Hall is located adjacent to the Gilman Parking Structure and just steps away from the UC San Diego Central Campus Trolley Station.)
What should I do if I do not hear back from my instructor about an accommodation?
The Physics Department OSD Liaison works with students registered for accommodations in a UCSD physics class through the OSD. The following information applies only to these students:
If contact your instructor and do not receive a response within 5 business days (excluding campus closure periods), contact the Physics Department OSD Liaison, directly, to request assistance. Put the OSD Liaison's email in the "To" field and ensure that you provide all of the following information in the body of your email:
- A description of the challenge.
- The date(s) you attempted to reach the instructor regarding the challenge.
- Copies of any correspondence sent to the instructor regarding the challenge.
If the matter is time-sensitive, please include "URGENT" in the subject line.
Can I have ADA-related academic accommodations that are not included in my AFA letter?
Per the UCOP Guidelines, instructors are to provide only the accommodations in the student's AFA letter and are to refer the student to the UCSD OSD if they ask for different or additional accommodations.
If you are in need of an accommodation not listed on your current AFA letter, promptly contact the UCSD OSD to see if it can be added. Keep in mind that accommodations cannot be granted retroactively.
Can I be granted a last minute accommodation?
Last minute requests for accommodations cannot be guaranteed. Please be sure to follow OSD procedures as soon as possible.
Non Discrimination Statement
In accordance with applicable Federal and State law and University policy, the University of California does not discriminate, or grant preferences, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories.
More information about Proposition 209 can be found here.
More information about the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy can be found here.
Please note that this website contains links to external webpages that are not managed or maintained by the Department of Physics. The content on these external sites is the responsibility of their respective owners and does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department or the University.