General mailing address:
University of California San Diego
Recipient's Name, Department of Physics
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive #0319
La Jolla, CA 92093
Office Telephone: (858) 246-3440
Campus Mail Code: 0319
Department Leadership
Chair, Oleg Shpyrko | Phone: (858) 534-6857
Vice Chair of Undergraduate Education, Andrew Meyertholen
Vice Chair of Graduate Education, Elena Koslover
Chief Administrative Officer (MSO), Jasmyn Wuerthwein | Phone: (858) 822-0434
Graduate Program
For academic matters in the Graduate Program please feel free to contact the following individuals:
Graduate Coordinator, Sharmila Poddar | Phone: (858) 822-1074
Graduate Admissions Coordinator, Jennifer Yang | Phone: (858) 534-3293
Student Affairs Director, Catherine McConney | Phone: (858) 534-5982
Vice Chair for Graduate Education, Elena Koslover
Undergraduate Program
For academic matters in the Undergraduate Program please seek advising from the Undergraduate Affairs Team:
UCSD and UCEAP Students use the "Ask a Question" feature in the Virtual Advising Center (VAC). If the VAC is closed you will need to wait to submit your question until it reopens.
Non-UCSD Students email
For communication & press inquiries in Physics please contact:
Chief Administrative Officer (MSO), Jasmyn Wuerthwein | Phone: (858) 822-0434
School of Physical Sciences Director of Communications, Michelle Franklin
Academic Personnel & Human Resources
Please direct all academic personnel and human resources inquiries to
Find out about Employee Wellness Resources
Full Administrative Staffing List
For a comprehensive contact list of administrative staff, inclusive of Administrative Support and Research Admin assignments, Hybrid Work Schedules, Org Chart, and Core Responsibilities, please consult our internal contacts list.