The Department of Physics is excited to celebrate this major milestone for the graduating classes of 2025!
Date: Saturday, June 14, 2025
Location and Time: 11am-1pm in Price Center Ballroom West A-B.
Please continue to monitor this webpage for updated information on the Physics Commencement.
Instead of emailing, please click here to submit questions about this event.
Graduating Student Information
Undergraduate and graduate students who are graduating FA24, W25, SP25, or Summer 2025 can sign up for the departmental ceremony.
Sign up for the Physics Department Commencement Ceremony at this link, then check this webpage regularly for updates about this event! Note: In spring quarter, we will contact participants to collect some info. for the graduating student slideshow.
Formal attire and proper regalia are required for the departmental ceremony. PhD candidates must ensure their regalia includes the required hood. Regalia must be ordered through the campus at the Campus Commencement website (they typically begin taking orders during spring term).
PhD advisors will be invited and asked to hood their students. If a particular faculty member is not available the Graduate Vice Chair will perform the hooding.
During the ceremony, graduates will take an official photo and walk across the stage as their degree is conferred (actual diplomas will not be issued during the ceremony). The photographer will need 1-3 weeks to prepare photos. Once they're available, graduate students will be able to access them.
Guest Information
Please note that commencement weekend on campus is extremely busy. We suggest allowing ample time for parking.
Upon arrival, guests will be directed to their designated seating areas inside the venue. Guests will be asked to refrain from approaching the stage during the commencement ceremony. A professional photographer will be at commencement to take photos throughout the ceremony. Photos will be available to be downloaded later. The event will not be live-streamed.
Prohibited Items: glitter or confetti - please refer to the campus commencement page.
Local accommodations, dining, and entertainment nearby - campus commencement page.
ADA Accommodations: Please ask your graduate to report any ADA needs you have (eg. wheelchair seating, assistive devices).
Faculty Information
Faculty attendees will join the Platform Party onstage during Commencement. Regalia is required. If you do not already have it, the Department will contact you with instructions on how to order it.
Please allow ample time for parking, as Commencement weekend on campus is extremely busy.
Parking Information
Parking will be available on campus at no charge during commencement weekend. We recommend guests and students park in the Gilman Parking Structure, South Parking Structure, and Hopkins Parking Structure. Starting Friday, June 13 to Sunday, June 15, campus transportation and parking will be impacted due to Commencement and move-out activities. Please arrive early to allow ample time to park and check in at the commencement venue.
2024 Commencement Photos
Click here to see the 2024 Physics Commencement Slideshow!