Department Events and Opportunities

The main page of the Physics website ( includes upcoming department events. To see things hosted by affiliated parties (eg. SPS Club, Student Success Center, PGC, etc.), please check the calendar below.

Stay Informed!

We have three mailman lists to communicate with our students:

Current Physics Majors
This list is used to distribute required information to physics majors concerning their degree. This list is auto-populated nightly by the campus based on the student's major code, so this list can only include current physics majors. 

Physics Announcements
This list is used to distribute advertisements and information about events and opportunities within and outside of the department. This list is auto-populated nightly by the campus based on the student's major code, so this list can only include current physics majors. 

Announcements About Graduate Programs
This list is used to distribute advertisements from graduate schools, worldwide, along with opportunities for funding for graduate school. Anyone can click here to join/leave this list.