Faculty with academic-year appointments are expected to be in residence from the date that Fall Quarter begins through the date that Spring Quarter ends. Please refer to the Academic & Administrative calendar for specific dates each year.
Academic year appointees do not accrue vacation but may take vacations during the summer months and non-service periods. Fiscal year appointees are in service to the university throughout the year, except during official University holidays.
Types of leave and their corresponding approval authorities are detailed in Academic Personnel Manual (APM) 740: Leaves of Absence/Sabbatical Leaves and the Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM) 230-10: Leave Policy for Academics.
Below is a summary of the most common types of leave; however, Academic Personnel Services (APS) provides comprehensive details on all types of Academic Leaves and Accommodations. APS also provides detailed information regarding Faculty Family Accommodation Policies, as well as Family-friendly and Work/Life Programs and Services.
Please note that faculty members on unpaid leave are responsible for maintaining their enrollment in health care and other welfare plans. Additionally, university insurance coverage is only available to employees on pre-approved leave. For more information, please consult the Department Benefits representative, Blanca Reyes (b1reyes@ucsd.edu).
Absences up to 7 calendar (5 service) days during the academic year
You must obtain absence approval from the Department Chair if you are going to miss a class or will be absent for even one day during the academic year. Submission of a leave form is not necessary if the leave is seven calendar days or less. However, we ask that you fill out the DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ABSENCE FORM so the Chair will approve your short-term leave for compliance.
Leaves that are over 7 calendar (5 service) days during the academic year
Leaves greater than seven calendar days in length require the submission of an Academic Leave of Absence/Sabbatical (ALAS) form, signed by the individual, the department chair, and the dean.
Extended Leave: If your research activities and/or conference attendance require an absence from campus of more than 10 consecutive service days (14 calendar days), you must request an Extended Leave. In order for you to take an extended leave with pay, you will be required to forfeit sabbatical credit in accordance with PPM 230-10.II.M.3 and the table below. If the request is for a leave with pay, the number of sabbatical credits to be forfeited must be included on the ALAS form.
Length of Leave | Credits Forfeited |
1-10 service days |
0 |
11-15 service days |
1 |
16-20 service days |
2 |
21-25 service days |
3 |
26-30 service days |
4 |
Sabbatical Leaves
A sabbatical leave is a privilege accorded to qualified faculty to enable them to engage in intensive programs of research and/or study, thus to become more effective teachers and scholars and to enhance their service to the University. Read the full UCSD Academic Leave Policy for more information.
Approvals: Sabbatical leaves are only approved once annually, and must be requested during the Fall Quarter Course Scheduling process for the subsequent academic year. All sabbatical requests must receive both Vice Chair and Chair approval. To request a sabbatical leave, include the desired quarter(s) in your submission of teaching preferences. Once approved by the Vice Chair, download and complete the ALAS form. Return the ALAS form, along with a detailed sabbatical leave plan, to department staff so they can route for Chair approval.
Sabbatical Credit Accrual
Sabbatical credits are accrued at the rate of one credit for each full quarter of service at 50% time or more. Academic-year appointees can earn up to three credits in one year. Credits are not accrued during sabbatical leave, leave without pay and leave with pay for more than one quarter.
Effective Fall 2014, there is no longer an accrual maximum. Additionally, deans will have authority to approve the borrowing of up to one year’s sabbatical credit if the faculty member is in good standing and for a compelling reason.
To find out your sabbatical credit balance, please contact departmental administrative staff.
Sabbatical Leave Report
Faculty members are required to submit a detailed report of the results of the sabbatical leave, including an account of progress made and plans for completion of research and publication of the results. This report must be submitted to the department chair within 90 days of the faculty member’s return. The report will be submitted with any proposal for future promotions or merit increases.
Sabbatical Leave Credit Usage
The amount of credits necessary for different types and lengths of sabbatical leave are noted in the chart below.
Type of Leave |
1 Quarter |
2 Quarters |
3 Quarters |
Sabbatical at full salary |
9 |
18 |
27 |
Sabbatical in Residence |
6 |
12 |
18 |
Sabbatical at 67% salary |
6 |
12 |
18 |
Sabbatical at 50% salary |
5 |
9 |
14 |
Sabbatical at 33% salary |
3 |
6 |
9 |
An accommodation is any measure put into place by the University of California in order to assist faculty and other academic appointees with balancing essential job duties and personal health. Some accommodations are leaves, such as childbearing and parental bonding leave. A formal accommodation that involves modified duties is often the result of the interactive process.
Accommodations Types (FML/ASMD/Change in Work Locations)
Some examples of accommodations that are NOT leaves and the paperwork or actions they require to initiate:
- Any duties modification created by an interactive process with Disability Counseling & Consulting (DCC) that does not involve a reduction in percentage of time. Any accommodation negotiated during an interactive-process is initiated with Disability Counseling and Consulting Office guidance and designated paperwork.
- Any duties modification related to pregnancy disability, initiated by a conversation with the department chair, that does not involve a reduction in percentage of time. Internal department paperwork, as appropriate, may be required by the chair. (PPM 230-15)
- An Active Service-Modified Duties accommodation, per policy, that does not result in a reduction in percentage of time. Such requests require FAR form processing. (PPM 230-15)
- Change in Work Location, as referenced in PPM 230-10, that is a period of 60 days or less in which an academic appointee performs all of his or her normal duties from a remote location to facilitate conference attendance or because research and/or teaching activities require his or her absence from campus during the service period. This accommodation must be taken during a non-teaching quarter, and is most often taken in service to the university. None of an appointee’s duties while on Change in Work Location may be reassigned. Changes in Work Location require an ALAS and a memo from the candidate endorsed by the chair and approved by the dean. (PPM 230-10)
- A Flexible Workload agreement as defined by the Family Accommodations Policy requires a memo from the candidate and an MOU. (PPM 230-15)
- A Family Accommodations policy-related extension of the probationary period or request for deferral of academic review for an Assistant Rank appointee. These require FAR form processing. (PPM 230-15)
Refer to the chart below for general types of leaves by category and consult the campus and systemwide leaves policies and MOUs for more detailed information about eligibility. Please note, accommodations that do not involve a leave component are not listed on the chart because they are not considered leaves. See below for more information on accommodations.