Starting Salaries in 1999 by Bachelor's Degree*

The unemployment rate for Physics grads is very low (e.g. 3%, American Institute of Physics Survey, 1995). Other tables available include Starting Masters and PhD Salaries (1999), Median 1998 salaries by profession, and Midcareer 1993 Salaries by Bachelor's degree.

Chemical Engineering 46929
Computer Engineering 45666
Electrical Engineering 45180
Computer Science 44649
Mechanical Engineering 43275
Physics 40025 (breakdown by type of employer)
---> Computers 43807 (23%)
---> Engineering 42460 (11%)
---> Other* 40622 (19%)
---> Research/Consulting/Technical 40295 (36%)
---> Education 26300 (11%)
Information Science 38902
Mathematics 37253
Environmental Engineering 36827
Architectural Engineering 36360
Civil Engineering 36076
Geology 34892
Accounting 34644
Chemistry 34111
Political Science 29651
Biology 29047
History 28278
Sociology 28040
Communications 27504
English 27062
Psychology 26652
Environmental Science 26536
Education 26291
* In the Physics Bachelor breakdown above, ``Other" includes accounting, sales, design, quality control, management trainee, etc. Also shown is the fraction of offers to Physics majors in each employment subfield. Information is from ``Salary Survey", published Sept. 1999 by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.